Vote the Ridge
2024 Primary
Endorsement & Recommendation

Vote the Ridge is proud to announce its endorsement for Pennsylvania Attorney General and its recommendation on the Philadelphia Ballot Question in the 2024 primary election. We are an all-volunteer group of progressive voters in the 21st Ward in lower northwest Philadelphia.

Endorsement for PA Attorney General

Eugene DePasquale (D) - Button # 5

With 73% of our members’ support, Eugene DePasquale impressed our group with his outstanding record of accomplishments protecting Pennsylvanians during his years as a State Representative and his two terms as PA Auditor General. He is a staunch defender of voting rights, reproductive freedom, the right to organize, the right to clean air and water, and fully and equitably funded public schools. He has supporters all across Pennsylvania.


Recommendation on Philadelphia City
Ballot Question 1:

Vote Yes

Ballot Question text:  “Should the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to require the City to provide for the indemnification and defense of registered community organizations in connection with claims made against them arising directly out of their lawful participation in the City’s zoning variance process?”

Vote Yes:  95% of our members agreed that supporting this ballot question was important given the scale of disadvantage that registered community organizations (RCO’s) can face in representing community positions regarding zoning variance applications by property developers. This Charter change would require the city to help RCO’s respond to challenges that arise, such as hiring legal counsel or settling litigation. If passed, this measure would level the playing field, as most RCO’s cannot afford to hire legal counsel.


Note on endorsements: 

Our focus for the 2024 primary cycle was to educate ourselves and other voters about the contested statewide races and the Philadelphia ballot question. These recommendations are the result of our collective research and discussion. Our endorsement and recommendation were arrived at through a vote open to all members, meeting a high standard for endorsements:  65% or more support among members present and eligible to vote.

Eugene DePasquale, image courtesy of campaign